Emotional Trauma Therapy in Pleasanton, CA

You’re Tired of Struggling with the Aftermath of Emotional Trauma

Image of a woman sitting and looking at mountains. What is emotional trauma? Emotional trauma symptoms can be long lasting. You can get help from a trauma therapist in therapy for emotional trauma in California. Call today!

You’re probably reading this because you know you have experienced emotional trauma and abuse. Part of you may minimize or doubt the impact of your abuse. Or part of you may be angry at yourself for letting the past keep affecting you. But past emotional trauma is continuing to impact your life in ways that you don’t like.

Past emotional trauma and abuse affect everything in your life: how you interact with people, the way your brain makes sense of the past and present, and how you feel about and talk to yourself.

 EMDR therapy with Kim Salyer, LMFT can help you heal from your past.

Emotional Trauma Symptoms

 If you have been emotionally abused you may experience:

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Feeling disconnected from loved ones

  • Trouble forming and/or maintaining stable healthy relationships

  • Avoiding being present in your life

  • Shame

  • Hopelessness

  • Unable to trust others, and yourself

  • Loneliness

  • Feeling people don’t see you or your pain

  • Saying things you don’t mean

  • Feeling emotionally out of control

  • Negative self-talk

  • Anger

  • People pleasing

  • Avoiding conflict

  • Feeling frozen or unable to do certain things

  • Difficulty setting and maintaining boundaries

  • Feeling inadequate

  • Suicidal thoughts

  • Feeling physically or emotionally unsafe

  • Pushing people away

  • Clinging to others, even if unhealthy

  • Low self-worth

  • Feeling broken or inherently flawed

  • Health issues

Realizing You Experienced Emotional Trauma

Image of a woman sitting on a swingset at sunset. Have you experienced emotional trauma? As a trauma therapist, I can help you address your emotional trauma symptoms in California. Get started in therapy for emotional abuse in Pleasanton, CA 94506.

Whether you experienced emotional trauma and abuse in childhood, adulthood, or both, this abuse has lasting effects. Talk about mental health and abuse has increased, and more people are realizing that the things they struggle with in the present are driven by past experiences. People are learning about things like narcissism and gaslighting, and are realizing that they had parents or partners who emotionally abused them.

 When emotionally abused in childhood, people often find themselves later in life with romantic partners or other loved ones who also abuse them. You may see that you keep ending up in unhealthy relationships, but don’t know how to change it. Maybe you have given up on relationships because it’s easier to be alone.

 Maybe it hasn’t occurred to you that the other people in those relationships may have been abusing you. And when there is conflict in relationships you may blame yourself or feel you are responsible for fixing the conflict.

 If you are ready to stop letting your past hurt you in the present, then contact Kim Salyer, LMFT to schedule a free consultation.

How Past Emotional Trauma As A Child Affects Adults

 As a child, your brain learned to survive by creating coping mechanisms, but while they helped you survive at the time, they are now hurting you. They keep getting in the way of healthy relationships with others and with yourself. You struggle with thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that you may know originate from past emotional trauma. Or you may not know why you continue to think, feel, and behave in certain ways. Either way, you know something in your life isn’t working. You have issues that continue to come up over and over.

 Maybe you are frustrated because you get so angry at your kids and feel out of control. Or that you overreact to your partner’s reasonable request. You try to make everyone happy or do everything right so that there won’t be any problems or fights. You cancel plans last minute. You want to escape.

It Doesn’t Have to Be This Way

It may feel that the effects of your past abuse are not improving, but actually getting worse, yet you continue to avoid dealing with the root issue. You may avoid it through things like substance use, TV, overscheduling yourself, etc. You have likely ended up here because you know you have a problem but don’t know how to fix it. Maybe you have tried. Maybe you have even tried therapy. You may question if it is possible for you to change.

As an emotional trauma therapist, I can help you heal. You don’t have to continue to feel held hostage by your past. Online EMDR therapy with Kim Salyer, LMFT can help.

EMDR Can Help You Heal in Emotional Trauma Therapy

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) can help you successfully heal past abuse so that it stays in the past. Instead of simply trying to learn to manage triggers that come up, we also process the memories to reduce or eliminate the trigger in the first place. For example:

  •  After finishing EMDR therapy where you worked on the impact of your overly critical mom, your mom says something critical to you. Instead of being triggered by her criticism, you are able to see that you did nothing wrong. You see her clearly and do not emotionally react. You know it is her issue, not yours.

  • Instead of automatically responding to past triggers, the triggers no longer work. You are able to identify and deal with issues that are based in the here-and-now relationship that you have with her.

 Once you process the past you are free to find yourself. My goal as a trauma therapist in Pleasanton, CA is to help you build a more fulfilling life. To connect to your loved ones. To connect to your life. To trust and accept yourself. To feel worthy of love. To know you deserve support. To feel authentic.

Kim Salyer, LMFT Can Help in California

Image of a woman in a white dress sitting outside. What is emotional trauma? Are you experiencing emotional trauma symptoms in California? Then our trauma therapist can help you overcome emotional trauma in Pleasanton, CA 94588. Call today!

 As a trauma therapist, I have seen just how devastating the effects of emotional abuse and trauma can be. You may have tried hard to pretend it never happened. Or get back to how things were before the trauma. To have a “normal” life. Yet, here you are living with the effects of abuse when they don’t need to hold you back anymore. I’ve helped many clients who have struggled with the impact of past emotional trauma and abuse, and as an EMDR therapist I’m confident I can help you as well.

If you are ready to put your past in the past, I am here to help.

Start Therapy for Emotional Trauma in Pleasanton, CA

The effects of emotional trauma caused by parents and/or partners can be long-lasting. As a trauma therapist, I know that with EMDR therapy you can start living a life free of emotional trauma symptoms. When you are ready to get started in therapy I am here to help whether you are in Pleasanton or anywhere else in California. Follow these three steps to start healing and moving forward.

  1. Reach out for a free consultation with Kim Salyer, LMFT

  2. Have your first appointment with an emotional trauma therapist

  3. Start healing and living free of trauma symptoms

Other Therapy Services I Offer in California

At my therapy practice based in Pleasanton, CA, I specialize in providing PTSD treatment, trauma therapy, and EMDR therapy. Additionally, I provide anxiety treatment and depression treatment. As an online therapist in California, all of my mental health services are available to anyone in the state with online therapy.